Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm on top of the World

Poppy's new friend -- Ari'

This is Poppy's newest friend - Ari' (Ahhree) She is an Indian elephant named for India Ari (the singer) She is much more delicate so her adventures with Poppy will be limited -- but alot of fun!

Monday, January 14, 2008

ALOHA from Hawaii -- Poppet Style -- 2008

My very good friend took Poppy on her first big adventure of 2008. Thank you Suzie Q for taking me to Hawaii. (1) Going for a ride in Maui (2 & 3) "LOST" on the beach in Maui -- is that Sawyer, Charlie or Jack (4) The Iao Needle

Merry Christmas xoxo Poppy

A Poppet's eye view of the UTAH JAZZ

This is Poppy's view of the Utah Jazz (the best basketball team EVER) (1) Tiny Poppet -- Big Logo :) (2) Poppy on the front row --- must start saving my Poppet $$$ to afford this view (3) From the Utah Jazz bench -- these boys are very tall (4) ESA -- so many green seats can hold lots of Poppets (5) Poppy's view from the "cheap" seats. Definately deciding her regular seats are much better than these.

Poppy "enjoying" TSO

Poppy at the Trans Siberian Orchestra --- TSO for those of us in the know. This show was pretty cool (except for the talking) It's kinda of like Laser Floyd to Christmas music.

Back in the USA -- where's Zac?

Back in the USA -- Poppy enjoying High School the Musical on Ice -- wondering where the heck is Zac Effron?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Great Wall of China - Badaling Mountain

For all of us oh so small this is truely AMAZING! The Great Wall of China - Badaling Mountain

So small on the Great Wall of China

For a Poppet oh so small this is truely amazing! Poppy on the Great Wall of China, Badaling Mountain

To the Rescue - a very good friend

This is Darth Tater -- he is Poppy's very good & loyal friend. (1) Darth Tater wondering if this conquering the dragon thing is such a good idea (2) I conquer this dragon in the name of friendship (3) Darth Tater joining Poppy on the Great Wall of China

Friend? or Foe?

Are you Friend? or Foe? Poppy trying to be brave while staring down a very fierce dragon. The Jade factory -- Beijing, China

Coke Light in China

This is the very first can of Coke Light (Diet Coke) we found in China. This is the hardest beverage to find in China -- so when we did find it WE REJOICED! Poppy contemplating just who this basketball player on the can is (he DOES NOT play for the Utah Jazz) Also, wondering when "the BIG" drink will show up!

1st Stop --- lunch in Beijing, China

This is the first stop we made for lunch when we got to Beijing, China. In China they eat alot of fish. Poppy deciding that this is definately NOT food fit for Poppets

Poppy's Big Adventure in Little China

Poppy contemplating a very large plane. Seoul, Korea

Poppy's Friends

These are two of Poppy's very good friends! (1) Poppy's good & very brave friend Louie -- staring down a very scarey shark. The picture is a little blurry because the very big shark is actually shaking & very scared. (2) Poppy's other Poppet friend in Chicago enjoying a Poppet's eye view of the ferris wheel (2) and when in Chicago -- who wouldn't take in a Cubs game :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Seriously -- what time is it????

Three Poppets & a big clock!

Poppy, her family & two very cool fish

(1) Poppy & her Poppet family (Rox & Bri's Poppets) noticing the BIG drink AGAIN (2) Roxy's Poppet thinking this would be a very comfortable place to be (3) Bri's Poppet loves the tea -- as does Bri (4) Poppy and Horatio the fish (5) Poppy and Elvis the fish

A day in the life of Poppy

(1) Big clock -- little Poppet -- what time is it? (2) Big drink -- little Poppet ... Poppy wondering who drinks this much liquid? (3) Still BIG drink -- but a Poppet sized iPod (4) Poppy wondering who would spend all their time on one of these things --- deciding that people are quite strange

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Introducing Poppy

This is my Poppet - her name is Poppy. Join her and her friends on very BIG "Poppetty Adventures"